When you dont know what to do, follow others. Probably that is what my thought process was when I was 16.
It was after my X exams. I had to decide between Maths, Science and Commerce. Some of my cousins had taken commerce and were doing MBA that time. MBA. Sounded great back then in 1995. I said I will take Commerce.
I did not know what I was getting into back then. Choosing commerce lead me to a bachelor's degree in Commerce, and an MBA in Finance.
All said and done, I landed up in a job that needed neither Science, Math or Commerce. It just needed good PR skills and good English.
After around 10 months later, I got married and moved to United States.
And I was again at the same juncture. What to do now. This time, I had fewer choices because of my VISA status. One of them was a CPA certification. It sounded perfect as it allowed me to study on my VISA status, It was related to "Commerce" and I was qualified enough to sit for the CPA exams.
18 months and 4 exams later, I was a CPA.
A Certified Public Accountant.