Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Avoid the SALY method

SALY: Same as last year.

Public account is fun. We do get challenging tasks to do every year. Some things change and some do not.

I learnt it the hard way. But SALY method is just not the way to go about it.

Initially, when I started in public accounting, the most common answer for all my questions was" Follow last year". After a point of time, my mind went on auto pilot and instead of asking questions, I just started following last year blindly. But as I said, some things do not change, but some things do. It was then I realized that it is not about following last year. It is about knowing what you are doing.

The best way to learn is to read and research. That is what I resorted to. Although, for public accountants, not all the answers are on web, but there is a literature for everything somewhere. You just need to know where to find the answers from.

After 5 years in public accounting, I now, never tell my juniors to Follow last year.